St Osmunds Catholic Church, Barnes


Giving to the Church is an important step in securing the long-term growth and health of our parish. To make a one-off donation, please click the following link:
Alternatively, you can set-up a one-off donation or stipend online directly from your bank.  Please use the following banking details and include your surname and type of donation in the reference field.  (ie Surname – Mass Intention….Surname – FHC….Surname – General Donation)
Name of Bank:  Natwest
Sort Code: 600139
Account #: 11311096
Account Name – Barnes St Osmund Main Account
If you are registered for Gift Aid or intend to register, please make your donations directly into our Gift Aid Account.  The details are:
Name of Bank:  Natwest
Sort Code: 600139
Account #: 11311118
Account Name – Barnes St Osmund Gift Aid
St Osmund’s Fundraising Option – Give As You Live
St Osmund’s Parish has registered with the Give As You Live platform. This simply means that by shopping at trusted online retailers such as M&S, John Lewis, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and 3994 other shops, you can earn money for our parish.  Simply click the following link to register and start raising funds for our Church today.
Give as you Live – St Osmund’s Church Barnes
Gift Aid Scheme DO YOU PAY INCOME TAX? Then please join the Gift Aid Scheme! If you have an income on which you pay
U.K. Income tax, you can boost the donations you are currently making to your parish by 25% without giving any extra!
Please click here to view the Gift Aid Declaration Form.
What is Gift Aid? It is a scheme designed to encourage donors – who must be taxpayers – to sign a declaration form so that all their donations to the charity (R.C. Diocese of Southwark) can be treated as gift aid donations. The donations can be of any amount, and there is no lower or upper limit and they do not have to be of a fixed amount or frequency. By signing the forms, donors can ensure that the parish gets a substantial refund from the Inland Revenue without having to increase their level of giving. In order for OLQP to benefit from your donations: – You must be a U.K. tax payer – You must complete a Gift Aid Declaration – Your contributions must be easily identified as coming from you (once you sign up for the Gift Aid Scheme, you will receive a box of envelopes – this helps identify the donation coming from you. All you have to do is place your donations inside the envelope!) For every pound you give, your parish will get back an additional 25 pence from the Inland Revenue. This comes from the taxes you have already paid HMRC! So it is not an additional donation from you and it will not cost you extra. If you wish to join the scheme, please talk to  the parish organiser, Adrianna, c/o [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

You can join the gift aid scheme providing you are a UK taxpayer and pay an amount of income tax at leats equal to the amount of any refund claimed by the parish on your donations. –

No. Gift Aid is not a binding commitment and the parish will only claim back a tax refund on the actual amount you have given. You will not be asked to make up any missed payments, unless you choose to do so.

Just inform the parish office. Yo do not have to complete a new form.

Inform the parish office, and we will cancel your declaration.

Yes. You can increase or decrease the amount you give at any time without having to complete a new declaration.

Yes. You do not have to disclose details of your income, savings, pensions or any other personal details.

If you have already signed a gift aid declaration, all you have to do is advise your new parish organiser of this fact and continue to use a method of payment that is easily recordable by the new parish.

Yes. It is very much encouraged to set up a standing order, after having signed a declaration form, and the parish will help you sort out the details to go about setting this standing order with your bank

Get in touch

79 Castelnau
SW13 9RT

0208 748 5833
Email: [email protected]

Parish Priest

Fr Oladele Craig

Parish Secretary Cath Brizzell